Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How much do these products cost?
A: You can find detailed pricing information on each product page.
Q: How can I purchase these products?
A: Purchasing the product is very simple. Simply browse our product pages, select the product you want and add it to your cart. Then, follow the checkout process to complete your purchase.

Q: How to care for underwear, tops and leggings?
A: Follow the washing instructions. Check the product label for washing instructions and wash as directed.
Hand washing is the best option. Hand washing is the gentlest cleaning method and will protect fabrics and maintain their shape.
Use mild detergent. Choose a mild detergent and avoid those containing bleach or strong chemicals.
Avoid tumble drying. Try to avoid using the dryer as high temperatures can have a negative impact on fabrics and elasticity. Just dry your underwear and upper body clothes.

Q: How to choose the size that suits me?
A: To choose the size that suits you, you can consider your daily needs and personal preferences

Q: When will my order be shipped?
A: Delivery time depends on your location and the delivery method selected. Typically, orders arrive within 1-3 business days.

Q: Can I change the shipping address on my order?
A: Yes, you can change the shipping address before payment. If you need to change your shipping address, please do so before checking out.

Q: If I am not satisfied with my purchase, can I return it?
A: Yes, we offer a 30-day return policy if you are not satisfied with your purchase. Please review our return policy for more information.

Q: What is the refund process?
A: Refunds will be processed after we receive the returned product and review it. Generally, the refund will be returned to your account within 7-10 working days.

Q: What is your return and exchange policy?
A: We provide return and exchange services. Please refer to our returns and exchanges page for specific policies. If you have any questions or require further assistance regarding a return or exchange, please contact our customer service team. We’ll be happy to help you.
Contact information: [email protected]
Phone: 44 7380890956